Special Notice
Your GCA Security Committee is in final stages of testing a new control system for the resident and visitor/contractor gates at Glenmore's entrance. That system replaces our legacy Community Access Management System (CAMS). Look for email notices from GCA Security, Community Newsletter(s), and notices from our security partner, TEKWave Solutions. Email Security@glenmore-community.org for questions.
Manage Your Gatehouse Account
As a Glenmore resident, you gain access to an online account with our gatehouse to register your family members, authorize vehicles to use our automated right-side resident gate, and authorize contractors, deliveries, and other short-term visitors. Click the button, below, to access your online account.
Accessing your gatehouse account requires you to enter a password. You will be guided to set your password on your first login after registering with the gatehouse. If you forget your password, you can reset it during the login process. Finally, if you have technical issues with accessing your gatehouse account, email the Glenmore Webmaster as described, below.
Contact the Gatehouse
The preferred way of informing the gatehouse about visitors or changes to your personal information is using the on-line process (above), you are still welcome to contact the gatehouse by email or phone:
email: gatehouse@glenmore-community.org
Phone: (434) 977-7019
List & Update Your Vehicles for Resident Gate Access
In order for our right-side resident gate to recognize your vehicles, our gatehouse systems need to know your authorized license plates.
Existing Residents
For new vehicles or license plates, you can update your gatehouse record, yourself, or fill out this form and get it to the gatehouse guards.
New Residents
Use this form to register with our gatehouse and list your vehicles for the first time. Simply download it, complete it, and turn it into the guards at the gatehouse.
Volunteer Glenmore Webmaster Offers Technical Support
If you decide that you need some assistance in accessing GCA's systems-- issues with this website, inability to access your gatehouse account, resident gate not working for you, etc.-- send an email to our Glenmore Webmaster. Please note that this support is offered free-of-charge to Glenmore residents on a voluntary basis by a retired Glenmore resident. Please be patient but our Webmaster will be in touch to see how he can help.
About the Gatehouse
Glenmore's gatehouse is managed by GCA's Security Committee to ensure that all vehicles and pedestrians entering the community are appropriately authorized and do not pose an obvious security threat to the community. Our gatehouse is staffed 24x7 by professional and certified security guards provided by Securitas, a nationally recognized security contractor.
Our residents are a critical element of Glenmore's security posture. Through your gatehouse account, residents are entrusted with keeping a list of 'permanent guests', those relatives or others whom you trust to be admitted to the community at any time without prior notification to the gatehouse. This is a sacred trust and we ask you to responsibly manage this list.
Visitors or contractors visiting your home who are not on your permanent list should be communicated in advance to the gatehouse, either by using the on-line link at the top of this page, or by email or phone. The guard on duty is required to call the residence before allowing entry to any visitor not authorized in advance.
Bear in mind that the gatehouse staff are not police, are not armed, and are not able to arrest or detain suspicious individuals. The Albemarle County Police Department will provide support for these situations. However, the gatehouse staff will report suspicious activity to the police, and will only permit vehicles to enter the community if they are either known to them or previously authorized as a visitor or guest by a resident.
Please note that any suspicious or criminal activity should be reported first to the police using 911 - do not expect the gatehouse to so on your behalf. You should then inform the gatehouse.