Frequently Asked Questions
... my neighbor is not maintaining
his/her property
Inadequate mowing
Insufficient weeding
Downed trees not removed
Grass clippings/debris in yard or street overnight.
Toys/sports equipment left outside
RVs/Boats/Work Trucks in driveways
Any other unsightly problems
First: Talk to your neighbor! Most times he/she will willingly correct the situation when asked.
Second: Only if this fails should you contact the GCA Compliance Committee responsible for conformance with regulations at associa@glenmore-community.org. If there is a clear violation of regulations, the GCA will act on behalf of the community to ensure that the problem is resolved.
... contractors working after hours or on Sundays and holidays?
Contractors -- whether engaged in new home construction or in support of existing residences-- are not allowed to be on site after hours or on Sundays and GCA designated holidays New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and December 25.
If you have neighbors who have contractors on their premises during these times, please try to resolve it directly with your neighbor as provided in the guidance immediately above. If you and your neighbor cannot resolve the issue, please contact the Compliance Officers.
Please note that there are certain exceptions for residential emergencies in the GCA Regulation 2005-01.
...the common areas are not being
maintained properly
Mowing (incl. mowing contractor issues)
Tree maintenance
Downed trees
Walking paths
Area drainage ditches
Contact the CARB chairman at
...for Bremerton Cottages mowing problems contact bcamaint@glenmore-community.org
...for Scottish Homes mowing problems,
...there is a problem relating to the
Contact the board member responsible for the Security Committee at security@glenmore-community.org
Contact the gatehouse directly at gatehouse@glenmore-community.org
... I want to report a problem with
Snow removal
Issues with road maintenance contractors
Contact the board member responsible for the Glenmore Roads Committee at carb@glenmore-community.org
... I want to report a problem with dogs
Off leash
Not cleaning up after
First: Talk to the dog owner.
Second: Call Animal Control.
Note: Aggressive or barking dogs should be reported directly to Animal Control at (434) 977-9041.
...I want to make modifications to my home or yard
New structures: detached buildings, sheds, garages
Play structures (e.g. tree houses, forts, etc.)
Landscaping changes
Any exterior alterations to existing structures, colors, or landscaping
removal of trees
For enquiries, contact the Architectural Review Committee at associa@glenmore-community.org.
To submit an application for modifications, select Resident Portal on the main menu of this website then click on Property Modification in the drop down menu.
... My mailbox needs attention
Mailbox posts are the responsibility of homeowners, and must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the ARB guidelines.
... I have a problem with utilities
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) 434) 977-4511
Dominion Virginia Power (866) 366-4357
CVEC (434) 263-8336
Cable TV/Internet/Telephone:
Comcast/Xfnity (888) 266-2278
Bright Speed (833) 370-2914
Propane Gas:
Tiger Fuel (434) 293-6157
Amerigas (434) 295-4194
Foster Fuels (434) 202-5689
GFL (434) 296-6000
... I want to report a crime or suspicious activity
First, you MUST contact the Police directly using 911. The gatehouse will not do so on your behalf, and are not police. Alternatively, you can complete a simple on-line police report at https://www.albemarle.org/policeonlinereporting.
After you have contacted the police, please let the gatehouse know of the incident, by calling (434) 977-7019.
... I want to install an irrigation system.
Contact ASCA for approval.
... I need a Homeowners Association Disclosure Packet for selling my house
Sellers (or their agents) are required to provide a current Association Disclosure Packet to purchasers of their homes prior to closing.
... I want to park a vehicle in the RV parking lot
The RV lot is privately owned, and not affiliated with the GCA. You may contact the owner, Peter Sorensen, at (434) 242-9432.
... I want to rent my house
Only long-term renters are allowed. You are required to keep the GCA informed of who is renting your property, as well as provide your own contact information. Send an email to