New Residents
All of Glenmore residents understand what you are going through with selling your old house, packing up an entire household, relocating away from established friends and familiar surroundings, and finding yourself in a strange, new world. So, take a deep breath, let it our slowly, and let us help you adapt.
This Website
Since you are reading this, you have already found our website at www/ Bookmark this URL so you can quickly get back to this site to find community events, connect to local Bremerton Cottages or Scottish Homes neighborhoods, subscribe to our newsletters and emails, find an email address of your GCA Board members, and just keep in touch with your community.
New Residents Handbook
Some long-time residents have assembled a New Residents Handbook. Updated in January 2023, the handbook includes a Useful Contact Information page that you might want to print and post on your refrigerator. To access the Handbook click on the graphic to the right.Feel free to download, print it, and keep it handy during your first few months in Glenmore.
Register at the Gatehouse
By this point, your realtor should have assisted you in getting your family registration filled out and submitted to the gatehouse. If not, one of your next actions should be to download and print this registration packet, complete page 2, and submit it to any of our guards at the gatehouse.
The Supervisor will enter your information and send you a link to access a personal "account" on our gate control systems. Within 48 hours of your submittal, you and your family members can start using the right-side automated resident entry gate. Through your account, you will be able to authorize visitors and contractors, set up parties or other special events, send a QR "Quick Pass" code to your trusted guests, and access other features.
As always, you can call or email our gatehouse:
Phone: 434-977-7019
Common Area Review Board (CARB)
GCA's Community Engagement Committee sends out a newsletter about every two weeks and notices and bulletins as need. Subscribings voluntary on your part. So, please take the action and subscribe using the link, above, or the following button.
GCA will never share nor disclose your email address except as required by law.