Subscribe to GCA
New Subscribers
By subscribing to GCA receive emails, we will send you a Newsletter each month, highlighting recent items of news concerning the GCA or the Glenmore community as a whole. We may also send you other emails on a specific topics from time to time. Bremerton Cottages and Scottish Homes residents should subscribe to receive emails from their respective associations.
Change of Email Address
To change your email address, do the following:
1. Look at the very bottom of the most recent Newsletter or email you have received from the GCA.
2. Click on "Update Profile/Email Address", and answer the questions.
3. Don't forget also to log into your gatehouse information to update your password recovery email address in your "Contact Information". This is a separate system from our email lists.
To unsubscribe, simply click on "SafeUnsubscribe" at the very bottom of the most recent Newsletter or email.
Stopped Receiving GCA Emails?
Have you been missing GCA emails recently? Simply subscribe again as if you were a new subscriber.
To unsubscribe, simply click on "SafeUnsubscribe" at the very bottom of the most recent Newsletter or email.